211 Parish Park Rd Ruston, Louisiana 71270

29th Annual Piney Hills Classics: Race Weekend!

Mountain Bike Festival

2020 Piney Hills Classic Race Schedule

We are looking forward to hosting another great race weekend. Please take the time to review the below details for the weekend.

Race Day Registration:

To simplify our day of operations, we have decided to extend our online registration to Saturday, September 18th. Online registration will close at 5pm. Participants will be able to register at www.bikereg.com/pineyhillsclassic. We will not have race day registration on Sunday, September 19th. Please make sure your friends that are interested in racing are aware!

Online event waiver signature:

USA Cycling moved to an electronic waiver signature format in BikeReg. There is no longer a need for the participant to touch a pen & paper. This new process speeds up the racer check-in process.

Number plate/race number pickup:

Number plate/race number pickup is scheduled on Saturday, September 18th from 1pm- 5pm and on race day, Sunday, September 19th starting at 7am. We will schedule this so that only one participant picks up their number plate at a time. If you are using your TMBRA Race plate, you still need to check in with our team and verify your race plate number.

Event Start:

In the past we have had a wave start where all participants in each category start at once under the grid start line (8 riders per line). We are moving to a motocross style start in which all riders in the same age/category will start in a 100 feet-long line, they will ride along a straight open field and will have ~800 meters before the first turn. Please refer to the 2021 Piney Hills Classic start/finish line map below. View below map.

Neutral Feed Zones:

For the Cat 1 race, we will have tables for racers to place their personal water bottles and we will provide disposable, unopened water bottles and a water cooler that has been retrofitted with a touch-less spout and pedal so racers can refill their water.

Schedule: Click on the following link Access the details for all start times by categories http://pineyhillsclassic.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/2021-29th_PineyHillsClassic-Start-Times.pdf. http://pineyhillsclassic.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/2021-29th_PineyHillsClassic-Start-Times.pdf

  • SATURDAY Sept. 18th XC Courses open for pre-riding until 4:00 PM.
    • 1:00PM – 5:00PM . . . Race Plate/Number Pick-Up. XC Race Registration.
    • 2:00 PM . . . . . . . . . . . First Time Racer Clinic
    • 4:00 PM . . . . . . . . . Junior 12 & 10 under start
      • 12 and Under……………..…………. 5 miles (2 laps on the kids’ course)
      • 10 and Under……………..…….……. 2.5 miles (1 laps on the kids’ course)
    • 5:00 PM . . . . . . . . . Category 3 starts Cat 3. Cat 3 will race the 9 miles course (1 lap on the adult XC course).
    • 6:00 PM Live Music, Food Truck & Awards for each category/class.
  • SUNDAY Sept. 19th XC Courses closed during racing
    • 7:00AM . . . . . . . . . Race Plate/Number Pick-Up. No Day Registration.
    • 8:00 AM . . . . . . . . . Categories 1 & 2 start
      • Pro/Cat ……………………………. 27 miles (3 lap on the adult XC course)
      • Cat 1 19-39 ……………………… 27 miles (3 lap on the adult XC course)
      • Cat 1 & 2 ……………………………. 18 miles (2 lap on the adult XC course)
    • Awards for each category/class approx. 15 minutes after the last rider has finished.

See you at the Lincoln Parrish Park to celebrate our 29th Piney Hills Classic!

Healthy Regards,

The Piney Hills Classic Team

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